
Kagney Linn Karter

When you come on the scene, you want to come on with a bang, and nowhere is that more important than in porn. Here on the porn fronts, the stunning Kagney Linn Karter blew up like a supernova. Early in Kagney’s career, she took the titles for best new starlet and starlet of the year so quickly that she probably didn’t even have time to wipe the money shot off her face before collecting her awards. There is literally nothing Kagney can’t do to send a flood of pumping right to the pleasure...
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Height: 5 ft 4 in (163 cm)
Weight: 119 lbs (54 kg)
Model Rank: 187
Video views: 263,164,032
Videos: 195
33,000 HD Lesbian Romance, Scene 2 0:23:25
Lesbian Romance, Scene 2
48,000 HD Swing Time, Scene 2 0:33:7
Swing Time, Scene 2